Major Project
Major Project - Self Directed
15 Weeks - Feb-May 20204
Problem Statement
In Ireland 30% of all food waste comes from households. Households around the world threw away one billion meals every single day in 2022 in what the United Nations has called a "global tragedy" of food waste. My goal is to reduce the percentage of household food waste by changing the behaviour of consumers. Applying gamification and emotional design principles I want to design an app which will enable people to reduce their food waste in a fun and rewarding way.​​​​​​​
Using gamification and rewards within the Perish app I hope to get people to reduce their food waste.

Design Opportunity
By introducing the principles of gamification similar to what ‘Duolingo’ have applied to their app. I hope to change consumer behaviour towards household food waste.

Target Audience
Young adults 18-25
The project is aimed at college students and young professionals who are starting to form their food shopping and cooking habits.


Tone of Voice
Tone of voice will be satirical and fun.

Transitioning from self awareness to self action, with the inclusion of helping to improve climate change issues and also making financial savings.

How to
Reduce household food waste.
Improve peoples behaviour and attitudes towards reducing food waste. Make changing our behaviour fun and rewarding.

Concept & Research
Research Objectives
- Find out how much of an issue is food waste and who are the biggest contributors.
- Explore peoples attitudes to food waste.
- Discover what is already being done to tackle this issue, and what opportunities are there for us to improve the current situation
Household food waste appears to be the biggest contributor to food waste in Ireland. The easiest way for me to improve this problem is to try and change human behaviour rather than trying to change industry through government legislation.
3. 42% rarely use a shopping list or plan their shopping.
7. 41% of people appear to be over buying food, leading to further waste.
12. 46% do not consider food waste when food shopping.
15. 39% of people admit to wasting food.
Journey Map
Mapping out the likely scenarios a user could benefit from food waste prevention.
Based on user research and secondary research into consumer types. A series of personas were made to represent the users wants and needs.
Design & Development
Prototype Iterations
The transition from low to high fidelity prototypes.
High Fidelity Prototypes
User Testing
Illustrations for App and Branding
Illustrations for Stickers
Final Outcomes
Walkthrough of "Perish" app

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